
Watermarking photos is all about adding some text or another image on top of a photo. uMark can do that very well and here are 7 uses of watermarking the photos.

1. Protecting the photo

Copying photos off the Internet is just a matter of right clicking on a photo and saving it on the computer. People can just search for images on Google and save your photos and use them for any purpose - personal or commercial. If you upload photos on the Internet and the photos help you make a living, you must prevent people from using them without your consent. It is impossible to prevent someone from downloading your photos but what you can definitely discourage them by adding a watermark on your photos.

People will do anything to copy your photo!

With uMark you can add your name, logo or other copyright notice on a photo. Tile your watermark on the entire photo in a way that it makes it near impossible for anyone to remove the watermark for maximum protection.

A watermarked photo

2. Add descriptive captions to photos

A picture is worth a thousand words, but no harm in adding a few words on top the picture that describe it in a better way and make it more meaningful. When you go on a vacation add names of places on the photos, or add the occasion on the photos. Because 10, 20 years down the line when you are looking at the old photos it will help you relive the jolly good times you had spent with your loved ones.

Memories for life...

3. Tag friends in photos

When you post photos on Facebook, you tag your friends in them. It has two benefits. One, it tells the viewer who's in the photo and second, the photo shows up in the profile of those that are tagged in the photo. But there's a problem, some people don't like the photos they are tagged in to show up on their profile. (Who wants to show the photo of wild party of the last night on Facebook where you are friends with your boss! :) ) So people remove the tags. Also tagging is specific to Facebook or the particular service that allows tagging.

Tags on photos that can not be removed

Instead you can add names of the friends as watermark on photos and it will serve the purpose of identifying who is in the photo and at the same time it won't show up on their profile. And since watermarks are not dependant on any service, they will be there no matter how you share the photos.

4. Give information about the photo

Photos taken with digital cameras or with Mobile cameras have a lot of useful important information embedded in them called EXIF data. This includes technical information about how the photo was taken, the shutter speed, aperture, whether Flash was used, brand of camera used etc. This information is useful if you want to improve your photography or you are teaching people how to take better photos. You can tweak your camera settings to get your perfect shots based on the information you get from EXIF data.

Adding date taken on photo from EXIF

With uMark you can add this information on your photos as a watermark. This has practical uses too. Say you wanted to print the date on the photos but forgot to turn on the feature in your camera. You can add it on afterwards as a watermark using uMark's EXIF macros.

5. Make memes and comics

We all love memes don't we? Those witty and funny messages on photos of cute babies, cats, penguins, good guy Greg or the overly attached girlfriend! You can make your own memes and funny comics with uMark.

Create memes with uMark

You can find the photos online, or you can use one of your own photos, add a funny caption or quote and share it with the world. You can put comments on a series of photos using uMark and join them together using PhotoJoiner.net and make your own comic strip.

6. Mash photos together

uMark also allows you to add image watermarks, which means you can mash images together. Take one photo and add another photo on top of it. Or you can even try adding the same photo as a watermark to produce some amazing effects.

For example see this photo. We took this photo and added the same photo as watermark on that but we flipped the watermark photo (rotated 180 degrees) and we have very interesting photo mashup.

You can play with different images and get some unique results.

7. Show your creativity

Watermarking is all about adding text on an image, but what you do with it is completely up to you. You can be as creative as you can get. For instance look at these poems on photos by one of our users.

Do more with your photos with uMark

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Yash Gadhiya
Founder, Uconomix Technologies
Developer of uMark – Photo watermark software for Windows and Mac